Set up queue failover

Dette emne er fortrinsvis for administratorer og/eller folk som bestyrer en Zylinc-løsning

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Each queue can have separate settings for how to handle incoming inquiries in cases where no agent can handle them.

Because you often need to have different settings for inside and outside of opening hours, Zylinc Novus failover settings are divided into:

  • Failover—queue open

    • Queue is open, but it has been unmonitored for a period of time
    • Queue is open, but it has reached its limit based on the queue's failover thresholds
  • Failover—queue closed

You can cover these scenarios:

  • Forward calls to another queue
  • Forward calls to an extension
  • Optionally, play an announcement before any of the above

You set up failover configurations separately from the actual queue setup. Then you can refer to the failover configuration from the configuration of each queue that should use it. The benefit of that is that you can reuse a failover configuration across many queues, so that you don't have to specify the same settings again and again if you set up multiple queues that should have similar settings.

This is how you set up a failover configuration:

  1. Log in to your Novus Configuration Manager.

    • If you want your failover to forward calls to another queue, go to the next step

    • If you want your failover to forward calls to an extension, go to step 4

  2. On the Configuration Manager home page, in the Contact center and PBX configuration section, select Queues.

  3. In the list of queues, copy the name of the queue that you want your failover to forward calls to (that is the queue that should be the destination of the failover).

    If you plan to set up several failovers, for example because you want to fail over to one queue if the original queue is open and to another queue if the original queue is closed, you can save time if you copy all required destination queue names and paste them into a text file.

  4. On the Configuration Manager home page, in the Contact center and PBX configuration section, select Queue failover.

  5. Click Create new, and specify a descriptive name for your new configuration.

  6. If you want your failover to forward calls to a queue, paste the name of the queue that should be the destination of the failover into the Name of the queue to send calls to field.

    Settings of the original queue, such as language, announcements, etc., will be kept when calls are forwarded to the destination queue.

    You can't cascade calls across multiple queues: It's possible to send calls from queue A to queue B, but you can't send them from queue A to queue B and then on to queue C.

    You can also choose to forward calls to an extension instead of a queue. In that case you don't need to specify a queue name.

  7. In the Failover announcement section, select which audio announcement you want, and whether it should be a system announcement or a custom announcement.

    If you don't want an announcement to be played before the failover, select --- None ---.

  8. If you want to forward calls to an extension rather than to a queue, enter the number of the extension in the Address (extension) to forward calls to field.

  9. If you selected the extension option in the previous step, select the SIP trunk to use when forwarding a call.

    If you're going to forward calls to an extension that's within the ZylincNovus system, you don't need to select a SIP trunk.

  10. Click Save.

You now have a queue failover configuration that you can refer to when you set up queues. Remember that you can set up multiple queue failover configurations if required.

Related: Set up queues