Standardize your delivery process
When you deal with orders that involve Zylinc, this process will help you deliver at the agreed time, in the agreed quality, and at the agreed price.
It'll also help you document what you intend to do, and what you've done. If you make sure that relevant people have access to that documentation, it can greatly help you during the delivery process as well as later.
For example, when you can quickly view exactly what's been delivered, you can easily perform periodic checks to assess if a customer requires more licenses, extended functionality, etc. Also, your organization will be able to handle any support cases much more smoothly if it's easy to look up exactly what's been configured on a customer's Zylinc installation.
If you deal with enterprise orders, that is orders that involve Zylinc solutions for more than 500 end users, you must use this standard delivery process.
Your sales department creates the following documents:
- A basic product and integration specification [BPI spec] that describes the overall scope of the order.
- A configuration specification [Conf spec] that describes the specific configuration that has been agreed.
Your sales department uses the following tools to assist the process:
- A price calculation spreadsheet [Price sheet] so that everyone can agree on a price. Note that the price should cover licenses, etc., but also things like consultants' hours, etc. uncovered in the following steps.
- A delivery resource availability forecast [RA forecast] so that you 'll know that everyone who'll take part in delivering the order will be available when they're going to be needed.
Those responsible for delivering the ordered product and configuration do the following to finalize the delivery:
A consultant validates the basic product and integration specification [BPI spec] and estimates expected work hours and calendar delivery date.
A senior consultant validates the configuration specification [Conf spec] and estimates expected work hours and calendar delivery date.
A project lead creates and hands over a master time plan [MTP] that contains a plan for the following steps.
A project lead creates an agenda for a kick-off meeting [AKOM]. The project lead invites stakeholders to the kick-off meeting, and presents the master time plan [MTP] at the meeting.
A project lead creates an agenda for a technical startup meeting [ATSM].
At the technical startup meeting, the consultant makes a draft that contains all notes and drawings required to create a target environment preparation checklist [TEPC].
At the technical startup meeting, the senior consultant makes a draft that contains all notes and drawings required to create a solution description [SD].
A consultant creates and hands over the target environment preparation checklist [TEPC] as well as an installation test checklist [ITCL]. The consultant also defines and hands over the due date for [TEPC] to the document repository.
A senior consultant creates and hands over the solution description [SD] and a handover test checklist [HOTCL]. The senior consultant also defines and hands over the date for handover test checklist [HOTCL] completion to the document repository.
A project lead creates and hands over minutes of the technical startup meeting [MOTSM]. The consultant also hands over the following to the document repository:
- The target environment preparation checklist [TEPC]
- The installation test checklist [ITCL]
- The solution description [SD]
- The handover test checklist [HOTCL]
The customer carries out tasks listed in the target environment preparation checklist [TEPC].
A consultant validates that tasks in the target environment preparation checklist [TEPC] have been completed and passed.
A consultant makes the basic installation, without configuration.
A consultant creates and hands over a costumer installation document [CID].
A consultant and the customer go through the installation test checklist [ITCL] and hand over the signed document to the document repository.
A senior consultant makes advanced configuration.
A senior consultant and the costumer go through the handover test checklist [HOTCL], and hand over the signed document to the document repository.
A project lead hands over an agenda for a retrospective meeting [ARM] to the document repository. The project lead then invites stakeholders and holds the retrospective meeting.
At the retrospective meeting, the project lead collects feedback, and then creates a lessons learned document [LLD] and hands it over to the document repository.
Create a standard template for all process documents and tools, so that you can handle all orders the same way. The time you spend on creating such templates will save you much more time later.
Basic product and integration specification [BPI spec]
Describes overall scope of order
Owner/creator: Sales
Contributor: Consultant
Configuration specification [Conf spec]
Describes specific configuration that has been agreed
Owner/creator: Sales
Contributor: Senior consultant
Master time plan [MTP]
Owner/creator: Project lead
Contributors: Consultant, senior consultant, customer
Agenda for kick-off meeting [AKOM]
Owner/creator: Project lead
Contributor: Customer
Agenda for technical startup meeting [ATSM]
Owners/creators: Consultant, senior consultant
Contributors: Consultant, senior consultant
Target environment preparation checklist [TEPC]
Owner/creator: Consultant
Contributor: Senior consultant, customer
Solution description [SD]
Owner/creator: Senior consultant
Contributor: Consultant, customer
Minutes of technical startup meeting [MOTSM]
Owner/creator: Project lead
Contributors: Consultant, senior consultant, customer
Installation test checklist [ITCL]
Owner/creator: Consultant
Contributor: Customer
Handover test checklist [HOTCL]
Owner/creator: Senior consultant
Contributor: Customer
Customer installation document [CID]
Owner/creator: Consultant
Contributor: Customer
Agenda for retrospective meeting [ARM]
Owner/creator: Project lead
Lessons learned document [LLD]
Owner/creator: Project lead
Contributors: Consultant, senior consultant, sales, customer
This is help for Zylinc version 6.0. To view Zylinc unified help for other versions, go here.
© 2021 Zylinc A/S • Disclaimer
Help version: 22 January 2021 13:21:22
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