ISAE 3402 IT Audit Report

In June 2024, we were ISAE 3402 type 1 verified.
ISAE stands for “International Standard on Assurance Engagements” and is a statement that documents proper IT conditions and that we comply with legal requirements and good IT practices
The Danish public Board of IT and Learning describes the ISAE 3402 standard as follows:
“ISAE 3402 is an international standard used for auditing and declaration tasks demanding a high level of controls assurance at service providers, including IT service providers.
The standard provides a framework for how the service provider’s auditor should perform their work and provide assurance, including how the auditor obtains reasonable assurance that the provider’s description of its system is accurate, that the provider’s controls are appropriately designed, and that the controls have operated effectively. There must be consistency between the controls audited by the auditor and the objectives of the controls (control objectives), including the risks that the controls seek to address.”
Read the full statement/report here: