AI – assisting or replacing
A lot of people are faced with a natural fear
that AI and bots are going to replace them in terms of customer service.
Blog: Henrik Skourup - Product Manager at Zylinc
Or even worse – that they themselves have to live with AI-based customer service without the possibility of human contact.
Both parts are a great testimony to AI for how far we have come, that it does not seem unlikely that
AI can become all-dominant within service in speech and writing. However, the illusion must be shattered, because AI cannot fulfill its true potential without it in collaboration with human decisionmaking power. We are of the belief that you can teach an AI what the rules are, but not when to break them. Nuances and empathy – the two main elements of good customer service – an AI cannot learn, only imitate.
When we talk about good customer service, it is primarily about human relationships, which are precisely characterized by nuances and empathy. We use these characteristics to identify the customer’s needs and wants, and then we need AI to identify the right solutions as quickly as possible.
In other words, we need human judgment to be able to utilize AI’s unimagined possibilities for sorting data and presenting this.

Our goal is, and always has been, to provide agents with the best possible tools to provide customers with the best possible service, and assistive AI is the natural next step in this journey.
Henrik Skourup – Product Manager – Zylinc
What about the simple tasks – can we use AI to solve them? Yes and no.
As soon as you remove the human element from the conversation, the designer must consider all possibilities. In other words, these solutions will by definition always be limited in scope and potential.
So if we only focus on using AI to remove the human element, then we limit AI to only helping with the problems we could foresee before the conversation started. Our goal is, and always has been, to provide agents with the best possible tools to provide customers with the best possible service, and assistive AI is the natural next step in this journey.